Aam Digital

Integrating data across multiple formats for longitudinal analysis and digitizing processes for community workers

Forbes Marshall has been implementing the Girl’s Scholarship Program since 2017 to empower girls in villages of Pune district in western part of India. The program caters to girls who face barriers to education due to low income, living in underserved or remote locations, or belonging to a socially or culturally disadvantaged section of society. Since December 2020, the program has been scaled in the entire  ‘Khed’ block of Pune district in partnership with other donor organizations and a field implementation organization – Youth Organization for Joining, Action & Knowledge (YOJAK) 

YOJAK is a registered NGO working passionately to bring positive change in human & environmental well-being.

Need for Aam Digital’s Case Management Solution

Since the start of the program in 2017 data was maintained on excel sheets. The field workers (Tais) would visit the community to capture the data and then there was a tedious process of transferring the data in an excel sheet. As the number of girls in the program grew, it became more and more difficult to maintain the data.

Last year the program team tried out using a data collection tool however, it was still complicated to track the girl’s data on a longitudinal basis and in real time. 

The program team approached Aam Digital with the following requests:

  • Integrate data across the years for each individual girl
  • Integrate activity based reporting forms with the application
  • Track the journey of each of individual girls from screening, selection, participation and progress
  • Have an offline first solution so that tais can use the application without any dependency on internet in community settings- this also resolves tedious data transfer process from physical notes to digital format.

“Aam Digital is our partner for data management. Aam Digital app is helping our field level staff to collect the data at their finger tips, on field directly which in turn is collated at the other end. Aam Digital has been a blessing for us  and made our work hassle free and paper less “

Renu Inamdar, Director, Youth Organization for Joining, Action & Knowledge

Aam Digital in action

Aam Digital conducted a requirement gathering workshop before setting up a customized version of the software. The forms were customized based on the information logic, data labels and data structures provided by the program team. The historic data was formatted as per the new labels and the same was then imported on Aam Digital platform.

The internal team of YOJAK and Forbes Marshall were first onboarded on the platform. The program team then onboarded the field workers.

The Aam Digital case management system is now being used by the tais to report on daily program tasks and also to update data of the girls through the program tasks. This will enable the program team and the field staff to ensure that vulnerable girls at risk of dropping out from the education system are supported rigorously to avoid drop out.

“Thank you to Aam Digital team for helping us with seamless migration of the existing unstructured data to the Aam Digital portal in a structured format. This structure now helps us in tracking the journey of every girl and support her in her best interest. The Aam Digital case management solution is also useful to the team as it creates a feedback loop which helps the team members in efficient implementation planning. “

Rutuja Chaphekar, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Forbes Marshall

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We have built Aam Digital into a configurable platform and a “Digital Public Good” that serves NGOs across different social sector use cases in nine countries.



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