Aam Digital

Privacy Policy

As a social impact organisation dealing with very sensitive information in our software we value data privacy and security very highly. We are based in the EU and fully complying with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Below we explain how and what information of you we do handle while you are interacting with us on this website or other means.

Our Privacy Policy for our Software-as-a-Service product, the Aam Digital Case Management Platform, is kept separately here: Privacy Policy SaaS.

Do you miss the "cookie consent" popup?

For us the two most important things are a great user experience and keeping personal data secure. Always.

Therefore, we do not track personal information of our website visitors – and don’t need to bother you with an annoying popup full of confusing choices.

Who we are

Aam Digital is a social enterprise based in Germany, developing an open source case management system for the social sector. We work as a company as well as a broader team of contributors to the open source project.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at data-protection@aam-digital.com. For details and contact information also see our imprint.

Data we collect from website visitors

Usage Statistics

In order to improve this website and understand which information visitors like you rely on, we use the open source analytics software Matomo. However, to respect your privacy we do not collect personal information for this purpose. 

When you visit our site, we will store in an anonymized form: the website from which you visited us from, the parts of our site you visit and the interactions with the site, the date and duration of your visit, your anonymised IP address and information about the device (device type, operating system, screen resolution, language, country you are located in, and web browser type) you used during your visit.

This includes your interactions with the live demo of our application integrated in this website.

Any statistical data is stored only on our servers and is not shared with any third parties. We process this usage data in Matomo Analytics for statistical purposes, to improve our site and to recognize and stop any misuse.

Opt-out of website tracking​

Where we store your data

All data is only stored on servers managed by us. We do not use external services like Google Analytics or transfer data to third-party services unless here explicitly stated otherwise for certain services like newsletter subscriptions.

Our servers are based in Germany run by a German hosting provider.

Data we collect from contacts communicating with us

Contact via email

If you contact us for support, send us questions or comments, or report a problem, we collect your name, email address, message, etc. We use this data only in connection with answering the queries we receive from you. We may use HubSpot to help us manage communication with you across our team.


If you sign up for our newsletter, we use Sendinblue to manage communication with you. Your email address is stored on this platform and protected according to their terms of use. We only use your details for the purpose you agreed to and of course you have the right to opt out at any time.

Webinar sign ups

If you sign up for our webinars, we use HubSpot to manage communication with you. Your email address and subscription topics are stored on this platform. We only use your details for the purpose you agreed to and of course you have the right to opt out at any time.

Where we store your data

Emails are stored with our German hosting provider.

We use Sendinblue to send newsletters (see above) and HubSpot to reliably communicate with you individually. Contact details and communication is stored on their platform but only accessible by our core team for the purposes you signed up for. HubSpot’s data processing agreement with us specifies the measures both they and us take to ensure your data remains protected.