For programs that run several events with the same participants, tracking attendance quickly becomes a challenge. A spreadsheet works fine as a single participant list but combining multiple lists quickly gets messy. Names are spelled differently. Files get copied around. It’s time consuming to compile an overview for individual participants and trainers. And it’s very difficult to prevent double counting participants when reporting to funders.
Aam Digital as an event management (or case management) platform is tailored to track participants’ over a longer program period, collecting all related data like attendance of events or also progress and evaluation details. After you record a new participant’s profile, Aam Digital automatically creates a unique id for that person. All events and other details are then reliably linked to that person.
This allows you to get reports of events and participants automatically calculated, including how many different (unique) people you have reached with your program. If you need to, easily disaggregated by event types, demographics or any other details you track.