We support grassroots initiatives
Apply for a sponsored license
Aam Digital is a social enterprise as well as a community project. We want to support all social impact projects regardless of their financial situation. If you are a small or grassroots organisation with limited budget and cannot afford our regular prices, let’s talk and find a solution!
We have some resources to sponsor grassroots projects and let them use Aam Digital with a heavy discount or nominal fee. Please register below to apply.
Application Process
1. Submit your information here to apply. Help us understand your project and your situation. This should only take you a few minutes, you can add details at later steps also.
2. We will get back to you within a week and offer you a video call to understand your organisation in more detail.
3. Within two days of our call we may offer you a big, long-term discount (or in exceptional cases free access) so that you can use Aam Digital.